SAT 02 2019



L 9


A.    What do the characters say? Watch the video and circle the words you hear. Then compare your answers with a partner’s.

1.  Takeshi: “In Japan, you bow when you greet / introduce people.”

2.  Claudia: “Takeshi is teaching me traditional Japanese greetings / rules for my trip…”

3.  Tara:    “Your meeting in / trip to Japan?”

4.  Claudia: “I have a big meeting in Tokyo in June / July.”

5.  Claudia: “I’m kind of worried about making mistakes / meeting people.”

6.  Takeshi: “Always use two hands / one hand when you give a person your business card.”

7.  Tara:    “Hey! That looks really good / bad, Claudia.”

8.  Takeshi: “And remember, always / never use your finger to point.”

9.  Takeshi: “In Japan, for luck, you jump / bow three times and nod your head.”

10.                      Claudia:      “Hey, they always / don’t do that in Japan!”

B.   At the end of the video, Claudia says, “Some teacher you are!” What does she mean? Check () True or False. Then compare and discuss your answers with a partner.

                                                                                    True        False

1.  Claudia thinks Takeshi is a bad teacher.             [     ]         [     ]

2.  Claudia thinks Takeshi is a very good teacher.    [     ]        [     ]

3.  Claudia is joking.                                                  [     ]         [     ]

4.  Claudia is mad at Takeshi.                                   [     ]         [     ]


L 9


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L 9

What Your Photos on Social Media Say About You




Have/get something done

My Life in Ruins
I.              Before viewing the segment, talk to a partner about the following questions.

1. Have you ever stayed at a very bad hotel? Tell you partner about it and how you managed to stay there.
2. Do you complain when there is a problem in your hotel room? What do you do if they do not resolve the problem for you?
3. Do you prefer to stay at a bad hotel that is very well located in the city or at a sophisticated hotel that is not so well located? Explain it.

II. Watch the movie segment and check the problems that you could identify in the Greek hotel.

the elevator

the air conditioning system

the mini bar

the shower

the toilet

the fan

the tv

the telephone

the closet

the bed

III. Fill in the blanks with the HAVE/GET SOMETHING DONE STRUCTURE. USE THE VERBS IN in parentheses.

1. The elevator needs repairing. The hotel needs to _____________ (get / fix).

2. The shower doesn't work properly. The managers will ___________ (have/repair).

3. The toilet broke. Plumbers will ________________ (get/replace).

4. The TV stopped working. The hotel will __________(have/send) to the electrician.

5. The telephone is out of order. They will _______________ (get / reconnect) as soon as possible.

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City Living - Global Viewpoints


Watch the interviews about “How’s your memory?” and write True or False. Then correct the false sentences. 

1. Agnes has a very good memory for faces, images, and drawings.

2. Agnes remembers numbers very well.         

3. Alyssa can remember people’s names.       

4. Alyssa can usually remember telephone numbers.         

5. Daniel has a bad memory for numbers.      

6. Daniel has a good memory for foreign languages.

7. Gian uses people’s characteristics to remind her of their names.         

8. Sometimes Dan has problems remembering numbers.   

9. If Dan can’t remember a name, he says “Hey Bro.” or “Hey Sis.”

Global Viewpoints 9

Good Morning World 9 - New beginnings


Global View Points

A    What are these people’s favorite pastimes? Watch the video and match the names with what they like to do. Then compare your answers with a partner’s.

  1. Dan _______              a. going to a coffee shop to hang out with friends
  2. Dayanne _______      b. swimming
  3. Jonathan _______      c. going to the gym
  4. Miyuki _______         d. hanging out with friends and going to the movies
  5. Daniel _______                      e. playing basketball, tennis, and football
  6. Agnes _______                      f. snowboarding
  7. Alyssa _______                     g. playing drums
  8. Woo Sung _______    h. playing basketball
  9. Gian _______             i. playing the piano, going to concerts, and hiking
B    What do you know about these people? Watch the interviews again. Circle the answers. Then compare your answers with a partner’s.

  1. One of Dan’s favorite pastimes is to go to the gym / beach.
  2. Dayanne goes to the movies at least once / twice a month.
  3. Jonathan’s favorite pastime is playing piano / drums.
  4. Miyuki likes to hang out with friends at a coffee shop / gym.
  5. When Daniel is on vacation, he goes snowboarding / skiing every day.
  6. Agnes goes to a pool / beach twice a week.
  7. When it’s nice outside, Alyssa likes to go biking / hiking.
  8. Woo Sung plays basketball twice a month / week.
  9. When Gian plays basketball, she plays really strong defense / offense.
  10. Jennifer prefers team sports / individual activities.

I'm Very Athletic